Art Writing is the must read for contemporary painters -- those who are seeking refuge from the madness of the official art world. For anyone who loves visual things, here's a place to make a difference. I welcome your comments. I particularly welcome the challenge from real artists to demonstrate you've got the right stuff.
I am a painter and have other sites on the internet where my work can be seen. But I choose to do Art Writer anonymously because it gives me the freedom to address a broad array of topics without affecting the marketing of my own painting. For various reasons we each wear different masks in life. As an artist selling my paintings, I present a certain public face. But I cannot always say the things I truly feel if I am maintaining my own artist identity. Certain kinds of things influence my work, but the role of art in my life is much broader, much more rambling than what I do myself. I can indulge so much more capacious a view of things here under the mask of being unknown.